Your Support in Action
Your donations directly support the Friends’ efforts to enhance the Millbrae Library and its various programming and cultural events. Here are some of the ways we’ve all helped:

Technology & Equipment
You can thank the Friends for many of the technology classes in the Library!
Children are currently engaging their imaginations when playing on the interactive airplane in the Children’s Room.
Everyone can up their producing skills in our new music studio.
Hang out in the cozy Fireplace Room and comfy spaces throughout the library, courtesy of the Friends.

Children enjoy story times, Summer Reading & Learning Club, educational programs, and entertainers from magicians and jugglers to wisecracking pirates.
Teens benefit from hands-on educational classes, STEM classes, art sessions, teen Summer Reading Club, and Frankentoys—a program for teens to make slew of clever creations.
Adults have opportunities to enhance their computer skills and learn the latest tech tools, take part in crafting classes, and join a Summer Reading Club, too!
Educational programs like Wild Things, Inc. brings a revolving collection of animals to the library each year.

Community &
Cultural Events
Want to hear a great local band? Come to the Millbrae Library for an open house! How about a cooking demonstration from a renowned chef? Live jazz, lectures on current exhibitions at San Francisco Museums, talks from best selling authors, workshops on rainwater harvesting and composting, and book discussions with community members are just some of the outstanding events sponsored by the Friends!